"Let there be love in what we do, love in what we say."

Who We Are
The Little Company of Mary was founded by Venerable Mary Potter. The Sisters are inspired to be companions of Mary the Mother of God, to be with suffering as she was on Calvary.
Our Mission is expressed through prayer and care for those who are suffering in body, mind and spirit.

“The whole world is a sanctuary where we can dwell in God’s presence and view His beauty and Glory. We can see our God in those around us, they are His images.”
- Mary Potter

The Light of the sun brightens everything it falls upon, just as the Light of God's love falling upon us will brighten our days and enable us to live lives of love.
- Mary Potter

Gratitude in our common home
We are created in the image and likeness of God. We are called to look on creation as a gift and to live in unity and peace with each other and all of creation in a spirit of gratitude in our common home.
"It would much increase our love of God if we could see Him working everywhere”.
- Mary Potter
Our Values




